What is the price for a typical home inspection?
Our rates are based on property type & square footage.
(Scroll below to see our pricing tables)
Detached Houses & Duplexes
Visual inspection of the primary living unit and primary vehicle garage (attached or detached), with post-inspection in-person walkthrough and same-day inspection report.
Additional inspection time and rates apply to laneways houses and detached garages.
Homes less than 2000 sqft. | $550.00
2000 sqft to 2999 sqft. | $600.00
3000 sqft to 3999 sqft. | $650.00
4000 sqft to 4999 sqft.| $700.00
5000 sqft to 5999 sqft.| $750.00
*Subject to 5% GST
Typical Inspection Time: 3.5 to 4.5 hours
Prices apply for a single detached house or one side of a duplex only. Email or call us directly for quotes on homes >6000 sqft

Townhouses & Apartments
Visual inspection of the primary living unit, plus the primary garage/vehicle parking area. Post-inspection in-person walkthrough and same-day inspection report included.
Our inspection also includes a walkthrough of accessible common areas of the property, where permitted.
Homes less than 1000 sqft. | $400.00
1000 sqft to 1499 sqft. | $450.00
1500 sqft to 1999 sqft. | $500.00
2000 sqft to 2499 sqft. | $550.00
*Subject to 5% GST
Typical Inspection Time: 2 to 3 hours
Prices apply for a single strata unit. Email or call us directly for quotes on condos and townhomes >2500 sqft

Outstructures and Laneway Houses
We inspect laneway houses and additional residential buildings (detached garages and sheds) with the same level of detail as the primary house, looking at accessible systems such as heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and structural components.
Note that inspection of the primary use detached garage is included with your inspection. Fee below reflects an additional detached garage, laneway house or coach house.
Buildings under 999 sqft. | $200.00
1000 sqft to 2000 sqft. | $250.00
*Subject to 5% GST
Fees are for inspection of an additional detached structure alongside an inspection of a primary building on the same day. Inspections of solely of a detached laneway or coach house, without inspection of the primary building on a property, will be charged at the same rate as a detached building.

Specific Diagnostic Services
This service is a popular service for existing homeowners, looking to diagnose a specific issue in a home, as an alternative to a general home inspection.
Examples include identifying the source of water intrusion into the home, to determine the current condition of a crawlspace or attic, or consultation on whether an issue warrants further investigation by a specific contractor.
Contact us for a complimentary consultation call, so we can best determine how to assist you.
Hourly Charge. | $125.00/hr
*Minimum 2 hour charge
*Subject to 5% GST